Our management model and governance bodies oversee compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, proper economic development and manage policies and practices at every place we operate. Evertis combines economic perspective with an obligation to foster sustainability practices that protect our environment, add value to our products and protect every community we touch.
We strive to meet expectations of today’s socially and environmentally conscious consumers while taking into consideration the needs of the most vulnerable communities. Evertis aims to foster governance from our core to locations where we operate, preserving the highest standards of business conduct and corporate governance practices.
In 2022, we merged our Code of Business Ethics and our Anti-Retaliation Policy to develop a Code of Ethics that reflects our updated values and embraces our company's regenerative approach. At Evertis we uphold a business culture that is free of harassment, discrimination, misconduct, abusive conduct, retaliation, and degenerative practices.
Evertis’ Code is not based only on a set of norms, but also on a reflection of our unwritten corporate culture that gives meaning to the values and principles that lead us on our decision-making process throughout the years.
The Code establishes the rules and procedures that all Evertis’ employees must follow, and it is inspired by our vision, mission, and values. Additionally, the Code provides support and guidance to ensure that our conduct always meets the highest ethical standards.
In 2022, we created our first Ethics Committee to handle concerns from employees and the rest of stakeholders. The Committee is made up of people from different departments, countries, and professional categories, to ensure that all employees have direct access to committee members. The Committee meets every three months, and complaints receive a response on further procedure in a maximum of one week. Our employees have been informed about the new Code of Ethics, as well as the procedures and details linked to the Ethical Reporting Channel and the Ethics Committee.
At Evertis we further enhanced our commitment to respect people and human rights, our environment, and operate with integrity. We promote the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards. Our commitment is reported in our Code of Business Ethics.
At Evertis, our executive management team is continuously evaluating group performance, in the economic, environmental and social aspects, with a critical eye. Our goal is to continuously enhance our actions.
Our future outlook focuses on achievement of a true circular economy. This is attainable through the innovative solutions we offer our customers so that together we can meet the global pledge to close the loop.
Not only does Evertis’ core business emphasizes sustainability, but we also make it our mission to extend our sustainable approach to the whole PET value chain.
Evertis believes that turning sustainability targets into realities is only achievable if sustainability is fully integrated across our organization and built into our business strategy. Cross-functional teams are set up to work on new opportunities and minimize emerging threats.
As of 2019 we have collaborated to provide transparency and visibility on our performance in the PET tray value chain in terms of circular economy and Evertis’ incorporation of post-industrial and post-consumer recycled content from a delamination process of multilayer waste.